Carbon savings project

The Carbon Savings Project was set up to encourage communities on Islay and Colonsay to reduce their carbon emissions – and save money into the bargain – by adopting some simple measures to cut energy use. The project set a target of reducing carbon emissions in the islands by 300 tonnes over each of the 2 years from 2009 – 2011; equivalent to the saving from properly insulating just 100 lofts.

Some of the main priorities for the project were:

  • Carrying out an energy audit of as many homes as possible on the two islands, in conjunction with the Energy Saving Trust and Changeworks.
  • Encouraging domestic energy efficiency through increased take up of insulation grants and offers as well as ‘easy’ behavioural changes.
  • Loooking at ways to improve the energy efficiency of community buildings.
  • Encouraging the use of renewable energy sources where appropriate.
  • Raising awareness of climate change issues and the steps that every individual can take to make a difference.

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