
The Waste sub-group are working alongside IET and environmental data analysists to collate data for a carbon audit of Islay’s waste management. This includes the amount of materials generated, its composition, and how it is treated, and covers not just household and business waste and recycling, but also areas such as the end use of industry by-products and wastewater treatment.

1.5 million tons of CO2 equivalent emissions were released from waste management in Scotland in 2019. What happens to Islay’s waste can have a significant effect on its carbon emissions. For example, biodegradable waste in landfill breaks down to produce methane (CH4), a greenhouse gas which is measured as 28x more impactful than regular carbon dioxide (CO2). An analysis of household waste on Islay in 2014 revealed that more than half of household waste going to landfill is biodegradable.

The group has also carried out a Horizon Scanning exercise to identify future changes which are likely to affect waste management on Islay. These include:

·       The Landfill Ban (Landfill of Biodegradable Municipal Waste Ban) in December 2025

·       The Deposit Return Scheme for single use drinks containers (Glass and Plastic Bottles, Cans) August 2023

·       The Scottish Government Rural Food waste derogation review 2023

·       Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes 2023-2030

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